Thank you for visiting PulPaper between June 7–9, 2022

Pulpaper 2022 - Peter Lönnqvist

PulPaper 2022, the leading international event for the forest industry at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre was a long-awaited opportunity to meet our customers and partners. Of the companies in the LEKO Group, out joint stands showcased LEKO Fans Oy and Siirtoruuvi Oy that provide their design and manufacturing expertise and customer-tailored products for the needs of, among others, the forest industry. New forms of energy, developing industries, and climate change increase demand for industrial fans from LEKO Fans, screw conveyors by Siirtoruuvi, and LEKO conveyor solutions in several industrial sectors. The companies offer their products also as joint projects for both new manufacture and renovation targets.

Customer feedback tells us that the event was highly successful. We created new contacts, strengthened old customerships, and are happy to say that LEKO Group’s service-oriented concept impressed many international companies as well.

Companies that operate within the same group support one another and yield many benefits to customers in areas such as product design, cost-effectiveness, and production and quality control. LEKO Fans Oy and Siirtoruuvi Oy differ from the other operators in the field by not only providing engineering design but also delivering  comprehensive manufacture. The LEKO Group companies in the heavy and medium-heavy mechanical engineering industry include Lehtosen Konepaja Oy and TK-Vilmet Oy.